Friday, September 13, 2013

General Petraeus didn't deserve the 'war criminal' heckling from students

By Lev Sviridov
General David Petraeus didn't have the best start to the school year. Since the City University of New York (CUNY) announced Petraeus would teach a seminar in the honors college, there's been criticism and uproar, some of which led to his salary being dropped to $1. But it went to another level on Tuesday as students followed him down the street chanting slogans such as "There's blood all over you, I can smell it". As a graduate and now an employee of the CUNY system, I am no stranger to political activism and the presence of diverse and divergent opinions on our many campuses throughout the city of New York. At one point the university was led by a Civil War general, and the community takes great pride in alumnus General Colin Powell. While expecting some political push back resisting the invitation of General Petreaus to teach at CUNY, I never anticipated that a system acclimated to diversity, tolerance, and constructive dialogue would be identified with misguided attacks on an individual who has committed his life to the service of his fellow citizen and country. I arrived at the central offices of the Macaulay Honors College for a meeting on Tuesday morning and found a collection of protestors outside the main building. I didn't know that General Petreaus' seminar was scheduled that day, but I soon figured it out. The chanting was both inappropriate and inaccurate, but perhaps it is too much to expect accuracy and appropriateness from an angry gathering of about 20. Rising over the placards calling the general a mass murderer and bearer of death and destruction were chants opposing the reintroduction of ROTC, the Reserve Officers' Training Corps that can be found on many US college campuses, at CUNY. "R-O-T-C; Down with the bourgeoisie!" What followed, now playing on Youtube, was verbal abuse from people who represent a minority view. What they exhibited was not "dissent" in any sense equal to a great university. This was "free speech" at its ugliest – a display of barbarism and ignorance. General Petreaus' record speaks for itself. His COIN manual (pdf) reduced civilian casualties and expedited the withdrawal of American and coalition troops for Iraq. In doing so, he met the military objectives set by our civilian government. The anger and harassment he experienced this week was reminiscent of a Vietnam-era America when returning veterans were subjected to public humiliation and attack. Today, we recognize and honor their sacrifice and commitment, as we should honor all of our armed personnel, especially those who work to bring our troops home alive and well, not to mention those who work to save civilian lives in zones of combat. David Petreaus deserves our praise and gratitude. Perhaps all the more so in the week we remember 11 September 2001 in New York City. CUNY has a broad mission to educate "the children of the whole people" and has kept true to the mission. ROTC has historically been a gateway of opportunity, and a key component in the fabric of service, excellence, and success. Some joined the ROTC to get "an extra pair of pants," but most wanted to give back to a country that had given them an opportunity to learn and succeed. CUNY and its students did not and do not have a culture of privilege and entitlement, rather a culture of service prevails to this day. I am proud that my university invited a contemporary leader into our classrooms. David Petreaus brings with him real life experiences that will serve our students well in their quest for knowledge and first hand accounts of contemporary history.

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